custom-<cageName>: # replace <cageName> with the name of the schematic file without .schematic
displayname: '&aMy Schematic Cage' # this is the cage title players will see in the chat and in the menu
level: 0 # this is the required level to see the cage
cost: 0 # this is the money cost
material: STONE # this is the item that the cage will have in the menu
datavalue: -1 # this is the data value of the material. IF YOU ARE ON 1.13+ SET THIS TO -1!! Otherwise, just set it to the data byte
position: 38 # this is the position in the cages menu. Make sure this is identical, otherwise it will override the one with the same position
page: 1 # this is the page the cage is on. this is usually just 1 unless you need more than one page