AdditionsPlus Menu Generation Tool


This is just an indicator to validate materials.
The identifier of the custom menu, which is used in actions and commands.
The title of the menu, displayed on top and the size of the menu.
Optional command to open the menu in-game.
if you enable the hide inventory option, the player's inventory will be temporarily cleared when viewing the menu.
If you set the cancel click option to false, players will be able to take the items out of the menu.
If you set the cancel closing option to true, players won't be able to escape the menu and the menu can only be closed using the [close] action.
Permission required to use the item.
The message sent when the user does not have permission. Leave empty for the default message.
Time that the user has to wait to use the item again.
The message sent when the user has to wait still. Leave empty for the default message.
Opening Actions
Closing Actions


Inventory title


Click the box below to copy the output text
Navigate to the '/plugins/Additions/menus' folder and create a new file called menu.yml and put the text below in it.

# Created with GCNT's AdditionsPlus Configurator
title: 'My menu'

size: 27

hide_inventory: false

cancel_click: true

cancel_closing: false
