Colored armor & potions, new potion customizations, new actions + more BETA 2.2.4 (1)
Added armorColor support for menu/custom items. Just add 'armor_color' to the item configuration. Just HEX colors. Added new action: '[holdsitem]' which requires a player to hold any item. This also supports material names and custom items as option ([holdsitem=ci-item], [holdsitem=DIAMOND]). Added new action: '[rename]' which renames the player's current item in hand. Added the ability to customize potion items: 'potion_type', 'potion_color' (HEX, 1.11+), 'potion_extended', 'potion_upgraded'. Fixed items with option 'DISABLE_DROP' dropping when a player dies. Fixed players still be able to swap hands when 'DISABLE_INVENTORY_MOVING' was added to an item.