Manhunt config.yml v1.1.1

minifridge • August 25, 2021 at 4:04 pm
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debug: false
  enabled: false
  is-lobby: false
  server-name: lobby
  lobby-server-name: lobby
    - manhunt-1
    hostname: localhost
    port: 8005
minimum_client_protocol_version: 701 # this is 1.16+
minimum_players: 4
maximum_players: 100
disable_setting_changing: false
send-game-host-announcement: true
price-per-game: 1
stop-server-after-game: false
  # Type could be: YAML, MONGODB, MYSQL
  type: YAML
    hostname: localhost
    database: manhunt
    username: 'user'
    password: 'pass'
  enable: false
  size: 4000
  damage-amount: 0.2
  damage-buffer: 5.0
  warning-distance: 5
  warning-time: 15

  kill: [ ]
  win: [ ]
  lose: [ ]
  top-three: [ ]

  allow_twists: true
  max_players: 50
  allow_friendly_fire: false
  do_daylight_cycle: true
  headstart: HALF_MINUTE

join-game-on-server-join: false
teleport-lobby-on-server-join: true
announce-twist-vote-to-entire-game: false
teleport-players-to-lobby-in-void: true
lobby-teleport-void-y-coord: 0
auto-join-online-players-when-game-created: true
  - -160637833670189439
  - -421128817952592172
  - 1402905392639995643
  - 2338603915337138821
  - 7874141574631631315
  - 5747899709549467868
  - -1175260660510305944
  - -7809589303872478536
  - -8923275189714236713
  - 5502860747628359398
  - 6903672301943453763
  - 2580823283597581756
  - 8916516702553424585
  - -5116430467417004821
  - -4919292108961359733
  - 4351320685885176449
  - 6327852920913588954
  - 5680850733553794098
  - 193425144397083319
  - -2963665696953912367
  - -6678379390868043651
  - 3967738161511198467
  - 1454632048316960326
  - 5729088395263981880
  - -1569755897434779161
  - 1724890081027242566
  - -6884802693235731787
  - -8835791192535100403
  - -6017507198925585030
  - -1073673886311151114
  - 6466614034049969548
  - 5705318930077717590
  - -1691951973582913522
  - -8181909491121809222
  - -5152445779715545001
  - 4371043351207630290
  - 4675748128982129514
  - 3787099418117701740
  - 4163694327646569410
  - -1744992389237694333
  - -5680452591019494038
  - -841505230852850349
  - -603150111999957959
  - 8582104943861985407

  enable-lobby-chat: true
  per-team: true
  separate-dead-chat: true
  spectators-have-general-color: true
  format: '&7[%prefix%&7] %color%%player%&f: %message%'
  lobby-format: '&7[%prefix%&7] %player%&f: %message%'

  main-title: Manhunt
  tracker-title: Manhunt Tracker Menu
  teleporter-title: Manhunt Teleporter Menu
  events-title: Events
  host-title: Host Manhunt Event
  games-title: Manhunt Events
  headstart-title: Manhunt Headstart
  max-hunters-title: Manhunt Max Hunters
  runner-manager-title: Manhunt Runner Manager
  twist-vote-title: Manhunt Twist Vote

    host-game-can-host-material: EMERALD
    host-game-can-host-displayname: '&aHost a game'
      - '&7Host your own Manhunt game'
      - '&7by spending %price% token.'
      - '&dYou get to be the runner!'
      - ''
      - '&bYou have &e%balance% &btokens available.'
      - ''
      - '&e► Click to host a game. ◄'
    host-game-cannot-host-material: EMERALD
    host-game-cannot-host-displayname: '&aHost a game &c(Unavailable)'
      - '&7Host your own Manhunt game'
      - '&7by spending %price% token.'
      - '&dYou get to be the runner!'
      - ''
      - '&bYou have &e%balance% &btokens available.'
      - ''
      - '&c► You don''t have enough tokens. ◄'
    host-game-invalid-version-material: EMERALD
    host-game-invalid-version-displayname: '&aHost a game &c(Unavailable)'
      - '&7Host your own Manhunt game'
      - '&7by spending %price% token.'
      - '&dYou get to be the runner!'
      - ''
      - '&bYou have &e%balance% &btokens available.'
      - ''
      - '&cYou must be on 1.16+ to create games!'
      - '&cPlease switch versions if you wish to proceed.'
    join-game-material: COMPASS
    join-game-displayname: '&bJoin a game'
      - '&7Play along with existing'
      - '&7Manhunt games across the server.'
      - ''
      - '§e► Click to open the join menu. ◄'
    join-game-invalid-version-material: COMPASS
    join-game-invalid-version-displayname: '&bJoin a game &c(Unavailable)'
      - '&7Play along with existing'
      - '&7Manhunt games across the server.'
      - ''
      - '&cYou must be on 1.16+ to join games!'
      - '&cPlease switch versions if you wish to proceed.'
    store-material: BOOK
    store-displayname: '&dStore'
      - '&7Out of tokens?'
      - '&7Click here to get a link to'
      - '&7our &bstore &7to upgrade your'
      - '&brank &7and get free tokens.'
      - ''
      - '&e► Click to get our store link. ◄'
    balance-info-enough-material: EMERALD_BLOCK
    balance-info-enough-displayname: '&aYour Tokens'
      - '&7Use your tokens to host'
      - '&7your own Manhunt games.'
      - ''
      - '&bYou have &d%balance% &btokens.'
      - '&aYou can host a game!'
    balance-info-not-enough-material: REDSTONE_BLOCK
    balance-info-not-enough-displayname: '&aYour Tokens'
      - '&7Use your tokens to host'
      - '&7your own Manhunt games.'
      - ''
      - '&bYou have &d%balance% &btokens.'
      - '&cYou cannot host a game!'
    manhunt-material: COMPASS
    manhunt-displayname: '&bManhunt Event'
      - '&7Hunt down the speed runners'
      - '&7and kill them without dying yourself.'
      - '&7Hunters win if all runners are dead.'
      - ''
      - '&bThere are &e%totalplayers% &bplayers online in &e%totalgames% &bgames.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto view all games.'
    twist-enabled-material: LIME_DYE
    twist-enabled-displayname: '&bAllow Twists &7(&aEnabled&7)'
      - ''
      - '&7We offer certain twists to'
      - '&7make the game even more fun.'
      - '&7Enabling this will give players'
      - '&7the ability to vote for a twist'
      - '&7while waiting for the game to start.'
      - ''
      - '&aTwists are enabled.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto disable twists.'
    twist-disabled-material: GRAY_DYE
    twist-disabled-displayname: '&bAllow Twists &7(&cDisabled&7)'
      - ''
      - '&7We offer certain twists to'
      - '&7make the game even more fun.'
      - '&7Enabling this will give players'
      - '&7the ability to vote for a twist'
      - '&7while waiting for the game to start.'
      - ''
      - '&cTwists are disabled.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto enable twists.'
    daylight-cycle-enabled-material: LANTERN
    daylight-cycle-enabled-displayname: '&bDo Daylight Cycle &7(&aEnabled&7)'
      - ''
      - '&7We offer hosts the ability to'
      - '&7toggle the daylight cycle'
      - '&7Disabling it will make it permanently day.'
      - '&7Enabling it will allow the default day cycle.'
      - ''
      - '&aDaylight cycle is enabled.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto disable daylight cycle.'
    daylight-cycle-disabled-material: SOUL_LANTERN
    daylight-cycle-disabled-displayname: '&bDo Daylight Cycle &7(&cDisabled&7)'
      - ''
      - '&7We offer hosts the ability to'
      - '&7toggle the daylight cycle'
      - '&7Disabling it will make it permanently day.'
      - '&7Enabling it will allow the default day cycle.'
      - ''
      - '&cDaylight cycle is disabled.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto enable daylight cycle.'
    headstart-material: CLOCK
    headstart-displayname: '&bRunners Headstart &7(&a%time%&7)'
      - ''
      - '&7Runners will get a headstart'
      - '&7of &e%time% &7to'
      - '&7prepare for the hunters.'
      - ''
      - '&cYou can''t change this once'
      - '&cthe game has started.'
      - ''
      - '&7Runners will get a headstart'
      - '&7of &e%time% &7to'
      - '&7prepare for the hunters.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto edit.'
    manage-runners-material: OAK_SIGN
    manage-runners-displayname: '&bManage Runners &7(&e%amount%&7)'
      - ''
      - '&7Manage the current runners'
      - '&7in this game and add/remove'
      - '&7runners to/from the game.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto manage the runners.'
      - ''
      - '&7Manage the current runners'
      - '&7in this game and add/remove'
      - '&7runners to/from the game.'
      - ''
      - '&cYou can''t change this if the'
      - '&cgame hasn''t been created yet.'
    friendly-fire-enabled-material: DIAMOND_SWORD
    friendly-fire-enabled-displayname: '&bAllow Friendly Fire &7(&aEnabled&7)'
      - ''
      - '&7Whether hunters can hit other hunters'
      - '&7while playing the game.'
      - '&7Runners can''t hit each other either way.'
      - ''
      - '&aFriendly fire is enabled.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto disable friendly fire.'
    friendly-fire-disabled-material: WOODEN_SWORD
    friendly-fire-disabled-displayname: '&bAllow Friendly Fire &7(&cDisabled&7)'
      - ''
      - '&7Whether hunters can hit other hunters'
      - '&7while playing the game.'
      - '&7Runners can''t hit each other either way.'
      - ''
      - '&cFriendly fire is disabled.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto enable friendly fire.'
    player-amount-material: PLAYER_HEAD
    player-amount-displayname: '&bMax Players &7(&e%amount%&7)'
      - ''
      - '&7The maximum amount of hunters'
      - '&7that can join this game.'
      - '&c&oThis number must be between 10-100.'
      - ''
      - '&bCurrent amount: &e%amount%'
      - ''
      - '&cYou can''t change this once'
      - '&cthe game has been created.'
      - ''
      - '&7The maximum amount of hunters'
      - '&7that can join this game.'
      - '&c&oThis number must be between 10-100.'
      - ''
      - '&bCurrent amount: &e%amount%'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto edit.'
    finish-material: LIME_CONCRETE
    finish-displayname: '&aFinish Setup'
      - ''
      - '&7This will finish the current setup,'
      - '&7readies the servers and will make it'
      - '&7public once it''s fully loaded.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto finish the setup.'

    start-material: LIME_CONCRETE
    start-displayname: '&a&lStart the game'
      - ''
      - '&7This will start your current game'
      - '&7and start the countdown.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto start the game.'
    game-host-displayname: '&a%host%''s Manhunt'
      - ''
      - '&7Hunt down the speed runners'
      - '&7and kill them without dying yourself.'
      - '&7Hunters win if all runners died.'
      - '&7Runners win if they defeat the dragon.'
      - ''
      - '&bThere are &e%hunters%&7/&e%maxplayers% &bhunters competing &e%runners% &brunners.'
      - '%status%'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto join this game.'
      - ''
      - '&7Hunt down the speed runners'
      - '&7and kill them without dying yourself.'
      - '&7Hunters win if all runners died.'
      - '&7Runners win if they defeat the dragon.'
      - ''
      - '&bThere are &e%hunters%&7/&e%maxplayers% &bhunters competing &e%runners% &brunners.'
      - '%status%'
      - ''
      - '&cYou can''t join this game right now.'
    no-games-material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
    no-games-displayname: '&cNo games found!'
      - '&7There are no free games right now.'
      - '&7Try again later!'
    host-game-material: EMERALD
    host-game-displayname: '&aHost a new game'
      - ''
      - '&bThanks for choosing ExodusMC!'
      - '&7As a sign of appreciation, we allow'
      - '&7certain people to host custom events.'
      - '&7Simply click this item to get started.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto host a new game.'
    host-game-unsupported-protocol-material: EMERALD
    host-game-unsupported-protocol-displayname: '&aHost a new game &c(Unavailable)'
      - ''
      - '&bThanks for choosing ExodusMC!'
      - '&7As a sign of appreciation, we allow'
      - '&7certain people to host custom events.'
      - '&7Simply click this item to get started.'
      - ''
      - '&cYou must be in 1.16+ to create games!'
      - '&cPlease switch versions if you wish to proceed.'
    half-minute-headstart-material: LEVER
    half-minute-headstart-displayname: '&730 seconds'
    one-minute-headstart-material: TORCH
    one-minute-headstart-displayname: '&e1 minute'
    one-half-minute-headstart-material: SOUL_TORCH
    one-half-minute-headstart-displayname: '&b1.5 minute'
    two-minutes-headstart-material: REDSTONE_TORCH
    two-minutes-headstart-displayname: '&c2 minutes'
      - ''
      - '&7The runners will have a'
      - '&e%time% &7headstart.'
      - '&7before hunters get released.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto select.'
    save-material: LIME_CONCRETE
    save-displayname: '&a&lSave Settings'
      - ''
      - '&7Save the settings and return'
      - '&7to the main settings menu'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto go back.'
    save-material: LIME_WOOL
    save-displayname: '&bFinish Amount Setup'
      - ''
      - '&7Finish the max hunters amount'
      - '&7setup for your game.'
      - ''
      - '&bCurrent amount: &a%amount%'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto finish.'
    add-displayname: '&a&lAdd +%number%'
      - ''
      - '&7Add %number% to the maximum'
      - '&7amount of hunters that can join.'
      - ''
      - '&bCurrent amount: &a%amount%'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto add +%number%'
    remove-displayname: '&c&lRemove -%number%'
      - ''
      - '&7Remove %number% from the maximum'
      - '&7amount of hunters that can join.'
      - ''
      - '&bCurrent amount: &a%amount%'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto remove -%number%'
    general-runner-displayname: '&e%player%'
      - ''
      - '&6Shift Click&e to remove this runner.'
    host-runner-displayname: '&e&l%player% &d(Host)'
      - ''
      - '&cYou can''t remove the host.'
    add-runner-material: OAK_SIGN
    add-runner-displayname: '&bAdd a new runner'
      - ''
      - '&7Promote a hunter to a runner.'
      - '&7Please know that the target'
      - '&7player has to be in the game.'
      - ''
      - '&7Follow the instructions in the'
      - '&7chat after clicking this item.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto add a new player.'
    save-material: LIME_CONCRETE
    save-displayname: '&a&lSave Settings'
      - ''
      - '&7Save the settings and go back'
      - '&7to the main settings menu.'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto go back.'
    option-disabled-material: BARRIER
    option-disabled-displayname: '&c&lOption Disabled!'
      - '&7Changing this option has been'
      - '&cdisabled&7 so you can''t change it.'
    hardcore-material: REDSTONE
    hardcore-displayname: '&bHardcore'
      - ''
      - '&7Every player''s health will be set'
      - '&7to 6hp (3 hearts) for 30 seconds.'
      - '&7During this time, players will not'
      - '&7be able to regain health either.'
      - ''
      - '&e%votes% votes.'
    extra-health-material: GOLDEN_APPLE
    extra-health-displayname: '&bExtra Health'
      - ''
      - '&7Runners will have 40 hearts and'
      - '&7hunters will have 24 hearts.'
      - '&7This health will be applied at the'
      - '&7beginning of the game (instantly).'
      - ''
      - '&e%votes% votes.'
    blindness-material: FLINT
    blindness-displayname: '&bRandom Blindness'
      - ''
      - '&7Hunters will randomly gain blindness'
      - '&7for 10 seconds straight.'
      - '&7Runners will not get any effects.'
      - ''
      - '&e%votes% votes.'
    random-yeet-material: FIREWORK_ROCKET
    random-yeet-displayname: '&bRandom Yeets'
      - ''
      - '&7All players will occasionally get'
      - '&7yeeted into any direction in the air.'
      - ''
      - '&e%votes% votes.'
    speed-boost-material: FEATHER
    speed-boost-displayname: '&bSpeed Boost'
      - ''
      - '&7Runners will randomly gain a'
      - '&7speed boost from I-III'
      - '&7for 20 seconds long.'
      - '&7Hunters will not get any effects.'
      - ''
      - '&e%votes% votes.'
    none-material: BARRIER
    none-displayname: '&cNo Twists'
      - ''
      - '&7The game will just be plain'
      - '&7manhunt, without any twists.'
      - ''
      - '&e%votes% votes.'
    acid-rain-material: TIPPED_ARROW
    acid-rain-displayname: '&bAcid Rain'
      - ''
      - '&7Rain will drop down and hurt'
      - '&7every player it touches.'
      - '&7Seek shelter or you will die.'
      - ''
      - '&e%votes% votes.'
    player-displayname: '&e%player%'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto teleport'
    player-displayname: '&e%player%'
      - ''
      - '&6Click &eto track.'
    go-back-material: ARROW
    go-back-displayname: '&bGo back'
      - '&7Click to go back to'
      - '&7the previous menu.'
    close-material: BARRIER
    close-displayname: '&cClose'
      - '&7Close the menu.'
    tracker-material: COMPASS
    tracker-displayname: '&bRunner Tracker &7(Right-Click)'
      - '&7Right-click to open the'
      - '&7runner tracker menu.'
    leave-material: RED_BED
    leave-displayname: '&cLeave Game &7(Right-Click)'
      - '&7Leave this game with a 3s cooldown.'
    twist-vote-material: PAPER
    twist-vote-displayname: '&bTwist Voting &7(Right-Click)'
      - '&7Vote for a twist of your choice.'
    settings-material: COMPARATOR
    settings-displayname: '&eGame Settings &7(Right-Click)'
      - '&7Change the game settings.'
    fill-material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE

    runner: '&7[&e&lR&7] &e'
    hunter: '&7[&7&lH&7] &7'
  lobby: '&eMANHUNT'
  global: '&8&lGLOBAL'
  runner: '&e&lRUNNER&e'
  hunter: '&7&lHUNTER&7'
  dead: '&c&lDEAD'
  runner-color: '&e'
  hunter-color: '&7'
  spectator-color: '&7'
  selected: '&a(Selected)'
    loading: '&cLoading the game...'
    starting: '&aThis game is starting.'
    playing: '&aThis game is running'
    waiting: '&aWaiting for more players to join'
    stopping: '&cThis game is ending'
    none: none
    extra-health: extra health
    speed-boost: speed boost
    blindness: blindness
    acid-rain: acid rain
    random-yeet: random yeets
    hardcore: hardcore

  main-menu-click-store-item: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
  cant-host-game: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
  new-host-assigned: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASS
  game-host-announcement: BLOCK_END_PORTAL_FRAME_FILL
  searching-server-ticking: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
  no-servers-available: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND
  runner-entered-nether: ENTITY_BLAZE_DEATH
  runner-entered-end: ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_GROWL
  delayed-leave-start: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
  delayed-leave-cancel: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
  player-respawned: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE
  hunters-released: ENTITY_ENDER_DRAGON_GROWL
    blindness: BLOCK_PORTAL_TRAVEL
  player-is-you: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
  tracking-player: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP
  open-menu-host-game: BLOCK_IRON_DOOR_OPEN
  close-menu-host-game: BLOCK_CHEST_CLOSE
  menu-host-toggle-twist: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
  menu-host-toggle-daylight: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
  menu-host-toggle-friendly-fire: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
  menu-host-locked: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
  menu-host-game-started: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE
  menu-headstart-select: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
  menu-headstart-save: BLOCK_ANVIL_USE
  open-menu-headstart: BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN
  menu-max-hunters-change-amount: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
  menu-runner-manager-cannot-remove-host: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
  runner-removed: ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES
  open-twist-vote-menu: ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN

  tracking-portal: '&a&lTRACKING: %color%%player% &f- &cDifferent dimension, tracking portal!'
  tracking-other-dimension: '&a&lTRACKING: %color%%player% &f- &cDifferent dimension!'
  tracking: '&a&lTRACKING: %color%%player% &f- &c%distance%m away!'
  respawned-worldspawn: '&aYou respawned at the spawn because you had no bed spawn.'
  respawned-bed: '&aYou respawned at your bed location because you set your spawnpoint!'

  server-found: '&aServer Found!\n&7Wait here while we prepare the server.'
  searching-server: '&eSearching Servers...\n&7Hold on while we find you a host server!'
  no-servers-available: '&cNo Servers Available\n&7There are currently no free servers available!'
  new-host-assigned: '&d&lNEW HOST!\n&b%player% &eis the new host!'
    draw: '&e&lDRAW!\n&7No one won this game!'
    win-runner-dragon: '&a&lYOU WIN!\n&7Your team managed to defeat the dragon!'
    win-runner: '&a&lYOU WIN!\n&7You managed to survive the hunters!'
    win-hunter: '&a&lYOU WIN!\n&7You managed to eliminate the runners!'
    lose-runner: '&c&lYOU LOST!\n&7You were eliminated by the hunters!'
    lose-hunter: '&c&lYOU LOST!\n&7You were beaten by the runners!'
  dragon-defeated: '&5&lDRAGON DEFEATED!\n&7%player% defeated the dragon and won!'
  death: '&c&lYOU DIED!\n&7You have %lives% left.'
  runner-down: '&7&lSPEED RUNNER DOWN!\n&c%player% died!'
  player-entered-nether: '&c&lNETHER\n&7You have entered the nether!'
  player-entered-end: '&5&lTHE END\n&7You have entered the end!'
  runner-added: '&e&lNEW RUNNER!\n&b%player% &ais now a speed runner!'
  respawning-soon: '&e&l%time%\n&aRespawning you soon...'
  hunter-release-countdown: '&c&l%time%\n&7You will be released shortly!'
  hunters-released-hunter: '&e&lRELEASED!\n&aYou have been released. Go get ''em!'
  hunters-released-runner: '&c&lWATCH OUT!\n&eThe hunters have been released!'
  starting-countdown: '&c&l%time%\n&7Starting soon!'
  game-start-hunter: '&a&lGAME HAS STARTED!\n&bThe speedrunners have a &e%time% &bheadstart.'
  game-start-runner: '&a&lGAME HAS STARTED!\n&bHunters will be released in &e%time%&b!'
    random-yeet: '&9&lYEET!\n&cYou got yeeted into the air!'
    speed-boost: '&b&lSPEED!\n&aThe runners received speed for &e20 seconds&a!'
    blindness: '&5&lBLINDNESS!\n&cHunters are blinded for &e10 seconds&c!'
    acid-rain: '&2&lACID RAIN!\n&cYou better seek shelter!'
    hardcore: '&c&lHARDCORE!\n&7You have 3 hearts and won''t regen for 30s!'

  finished-preparing-server: '&aWe finished preparing your Manhunt host server. You will now be warped to that server.'
    - ''
    - '&a&lManhunt host server found!'
    - '&7We matched a server with your &bManhunt &7game.'
    - '&7You will &eautomatically &7get moved once it''s ready.'
    - ''
    - ''
    - '&c&lSomething went wrong whilst creating your game.'
    - ''
  cannot-host-game-invalid-version: '&cYou are playing on an outdated version of Minecraft. If you wish to host games, please join with 1.16+.'
  cannot-join-game-invalid-verison: '&cYou are playing on an outdated version of Minecraft. If you wish to join games, please join with 1.16+.'
  main-menu-click-store-item: '["",{"text":"Click here to get ","color":"yellow","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Upgrade your rank here!","color":"gray"}]}},{"text":"tokens ","color":"light_purple","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Upgrade your rank here!","color":"gray"}]}},{"text":"by upgrading your rank! ","color":"yellow","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Upgrade your rank here!","color":"gray"}]}},{"text":"","color":"aqua"}]'
  game-submitted: '&aYou submitted your game host request. We are now checking for available servers to host it on. Please hold on.'
  free-game-hosted: '&eNo tokens were taken from your account because you can host games for free!'
  money-paid-hosting-game: '&e%money% token has been taken from your account for hosting a Manhunt game. It will be redeposited if no servers are available.'
  not-enough-money-hosting-game: '&cYou don''t have enough tokens to host a game.'
  no-permission-hosting-game: '&cYou are not allowed to host a game.'

  money-refunded-no-servers: '§e%money% token has been redeposited to your account because no servers were available.'
  no-servers-available: '&cWe couldn''t find a free server to host your Manhunt game in. Please try again later.'
  new-host-assigned: '&d%player% &ehas been assigned as the new host!'
  game-host-announcement: '["",{"text":"----------------------------","strikethrough":true,"color":"gray"},"\n",{"text":"A new ","color":"yellow","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/manhunt join %game%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click here to join %game%''s game!","color":"green"}]}},{"text":"Custom Manhunt ","color":"gold","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/manhunt join %game%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click here to join %game%''s game!","color":"green"}]}},{"text":"game is being ","color":"yellow","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/manhunt join %game%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click here to join %game%''s game!","color":"green"}]}},{"text":"hosted ","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/manhunt join %game%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click here to join %game%''s game!","color":"green"}]}},{"text":"by ","color":"yellow","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/manhunt join %game%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click here to join %game%''s game!","color":"green"}]}},{"text":"%game%","color":"aqua","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/manhunt join %game%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click here to join %game%''s game!","color":"green"}]}},{"text":". ","color":"yellow","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/manhunt join %game%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click here to join %game%''s game!","color":"green"}]}},{"text":"Click here ","bold":true,"color":"light_purple","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/manhunt join %game%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click here to join %game%''s game!","color":"green"}]}},{"text":"to join!","color":"yellow","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/manhunt join %game%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":"Click here to join %game%''s game!","color":"green"}]}},"\n",{"text":"----------------------------","strikethrough":true,"color":"gray"}]'
  money-refunded: '&eWe have refunded the %price% token that you spent on hosting this game because you stopped it before it started.'
    - '&7&m-------------&r &6&lManhunt Stats &7&m-------------'
    - '&8● &7You won &e%hunter_wins% &7games as a hunter and &e%runner_wins% &7as a runner. &9(Total wins: %total_wins%)'
    - '&8● &7You killed &e%hunter_kills% &7runners and &e%runner_kills% &7runners. &9(Total kills: %total_kills%)'
    - '&8● &7You played &e%hunter_games_played% &7games as a hunter and &e%runner_games_played%&7 as a runner. &9(Total games: %total_games_played%)'
    - '&8● &7Your win rate is &e%win_rate%%&7.'
    - '&8● &7You beat the game as runner in &e%runner_beat_time%&7.'
    - '&7&m---------------------------------------'
    - '&5You automatically joined %host%''s Manhunt!'
    - '&7If you wish to leave, please type &e/leave&7.'
  cannot-leave-waiting-zone: '&cYou can''t leave the waiting zone yet.'
  cannot-leave-lobby: '&cYou can''t leave the lobby!'
  runner-add-cancelled: '&cThe runner adding has been cancelled.'
  runner-add-try-again: '&7Try again, or type ''cancel'' to cancel.'
    - '&bType the name of the player in the chat to turn them into a runner.'
    - '&7The target player does have to be in the game.'
    - '&cType ''cancel'' to cancel.'
  menu-runner-manager-cannot-remove-host: '&cYou can''t remove the host as a runner!'
  game-unavailable: '&c%host%''s game is full or just not joinable right now.'
  game-created: '&aSuccessfully saved your game settings. Please wait for your game to finish loading. You will get teleported when it is ready.'
  already-own-game: 'It seems like you already have a game running. Let''s wait for that one to finish first. If you wish to force stop your current game, please type &7/manhunt stop&c.'
  game-discard: '&cYou discarded your new manhunt event host.'
  tracking-player: '&aYou are now tracking %prefix% %color%%player%'
  teleporting-player: '&aYou have been teleported to %prefix% %color%%player%'
  failed-tracking: '&cSomething went wrong whilst tracking this player.'
  failed-teleporting: '&cSomething went wrong whilst teleporting to this player.'
  toggle-twists-enabled: '&b%player% &ehas &aenabled &a&lTwists'
  toggle-twists-disabled: '&b%player% &ehas &cdisabled &a&lTwists'
  toggle-daylight-enabled: '&b%player% &ehas &aenabled &a&lDaylight Cycle'
  toggle-daylight-disabled: '&b%player% &ehas &cdisabled &a&lDaylight Cycle'
  toggle-friendly-fire-enabled: '&b%player% &ehas &aenabled &a&lFriendly Fire'
  toggle-friendly-fire-disabled: '&b%player% &ehas &cdisabled &a&lFriendly Fire'
  headstart-change: '&b%player% &ehas changed the runners headstart to &a&l%time%&e.'
    random-yeet: '&aIt''s time for a random yeet! Wooosh!'
    speed-boost: '&bSpeed %strength% has been applied to the runners for &e20 seconds&b!'
    blindness: '&5All hunters have been blinded for &e10 seconds&5!'
    acid-rain: '&2Acid rain incoming! Seek shelter...'
    acid-rain-ended: '&cIt''s safe outside again. Acid rain has ended!'
    hardcore: '&c&lHARDCORE activated! &cEvery player has been cursed with 3 hearts and no regeneration for 30 seconds!'
    hardcore-ended: '&cHardcore mode has ended. Everyone''s health has been restored and you can now regenerate health again!'
    - '&8&m--------------------------'
    - '&aThe game has started!'
    - '&bThe speedrunners will have a &c%time%&b headstart.'
    - '&bYou have &c%time%&b to prepare for the hunters!'
    - '&8&m--------------------------'
    - '&8&m--------------------------'
    - '&aThe game has started!'
    - '&bThe speedrunners will have a &c%time%&b headstart.'
    - '&bYou will be released in &c%time%&b!'
    - '&8&m--------------------------'
    - '&eThe twist &a&l%twist%&e won with &6%votes% votes&e!'
    - '&8&m--------------------------'

  starting-countdown: '&eGame is starting in %time% seconds!'
    - '&8&m--------------------------'
    - '&cThe hunters have been released from the sky!'
    - '&8&m--------------------------'
  hunter-release-countdown: '&7Hunters will be released in &e%time%&7!'
  thanks-for-playing: '&bThanks for playing Manhunt on ExodusMC!'
  respawned-bed: '&aYou respawned at your bed location because you set your spawnpoint!'
  runner-added: '&e%player% &ais now a speed runner!'
  runner-removed: '&e%player% &cis no longer a speed runner!'
  player-twist-voted: '&eYou voted for &a&l%twist%&e!'
  twist-voted: '%color%%player% &evoted for twist &a&l%twist%&e. &7%votes% votes!'
  delayed-leave-start: '&cYou will &c&lLEAVE&c your game in &e3 seconds&c! Click again to cancel.'
  delayed-leave-cancel: '&cYou cancelled your &c&lLEAVE&c.'
  player-left-game: '&cYou left your game.'
  runner-entered-nether: '%prefix% %player% &ahas reached &c&lTHE NETHER&a!'
  runner-entered-end: '%prefix% %player% &ahas reached &5&lTHE END&a!'
  runner-down: '&7&lSPEED RUNNER DOWN!'
  tracker-reset-died: '&cYour tracker has been reset because the person you were tracking died.'
  dragon-defeated: '&5&lTHE ENDERDRAGON HAS BEEN DEFEATED BY %prefix% %player%&5&l!'
  no-game-to-rejoin: '&cYou have no game to join back in.'
  already-in-game-rejoin: '&cYou are already in this game.'
  rejoin-fail: '&cWe failed to put you back into your previous game!'
  join-fail: '&cWe failed to put you in %game%''s game.'
  player-rejoined: '&5You have been put into your old game!'
  invalid-game-id: '&cThere''s no game with that id.'
  game-already-stopping: '&cThat game is already stopping'
  game-must-be-waiting: '&cYou can only start a game that is currently waiting for players to join.'
  game-must-be-playing: '&cThe game must be player in order to do this.'
  something-went-wrong: '&cSomething went wrong :/'
  command-no-host: '&cNothing for you to see here... just play your game!'
  stopping-game: '&cStopping your current game...'
  starting-game: '&aStarting your current game...'
  twist-already-active: '&cA twist already active at this moment!'
  force-started-twist: '&aForcefully started the selected twist for this game!'
  player-not-online: '&cThat player is not online!'
  player-is-you: '&cThat''s you, silly!'
  target-player-not-ingame: '&cThat player is not in your game!'
  target-player-already-runner: '&cThat player is already a runner!'
  target-player-no-runner: '&cThat player is not a runner!'
  player-addrunner: '&aYou promoted %player% to a runner!'
  player-removerunner: '&cYou demoted %player% to a hunter!'

  lobby-set: '&aSuccessfully set the Manhunt lobby spawnpoint!'
  not-ingame: '&cYou''re not in a game!'
  not-while-playing: '&cYou can''t do this while you''re in a game!'
  compass-unavailable: '&cYou can''t get a compass at this moment!'
  compass-already-added: '&cYou already have a tracker in your inventory!'
  compass-given: '&aThe player tracker has been added to your inventory!'
  game-joined: '%prefix% %player% &ajoined the game! &b[%players%/%maxplayers%]'
  game-left: '%prefix% %player% &cleft the game! &b[%players%/%maxplayers%]'
  game-host-left: '&dGame host %player% &cleft the game! They have &e30 seconds &cto join back before we will transfer the host. &b[%players%/%maxplayers%]'
  player-left-waiting: '&cYou left your current game. If you want to join back, type &e/rejoin&c or join through the &e/event&c menu!'
  player-left-playing: '&cYou left your current game. We did take one of your lives. If you want to join back, type &e/rejoin&c or join through the &e/event&c menu!'
      - '&8&m--------------------------'
      - '&e&lDraw!'
      - ''
      - '&cNo one won this game!'
      - '&7You will get teleported to the lobby shortly.'
      - '&8&m--------------------------'
      - '&8&m--------------------------'
      - '&a&lYou Win!'
      - ''
      - '&6The winning team is: &e&l%winner%S'
      - ''
      - '&a&l1st &7- %first_killer% &7- &f%first_killer_number%'
      - '&e&l2nd &7- %second_killer% &7- &f%second_killer_number%'
      - '&c&l3rd &7- %third_killer% &7- &f%third_killer_number%'
      - ''
      - '&eYou got &b%kills% &ekills.'
      - ''
      - '&7You will get teleported to the lobby shortly.'
      - '&8&m--------------------------'
      - '&8&m--------------------------'
      - '&c&lYou Lose!'
      - ''
      - '&6The winning team is: &e&l%winner%S'
      - ''
      - '&a&l1st &7- %first_killer% &7- &f%first_killer_number%'
      - '&e&l2nd &7- %second_killer% &7- &f%second_killer_number%'
      - '&c&l3rd &7- %third_killer% &7- &f%third_killer_number%'
      - ''
      - '&eYou got &b%kills% &ekills.'
      - ''
      - '&7You will get teleported to the lobby shortly.'
      - '&8&m--------------------------'

  title: '&6&lMANHUNT'
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fYour team: &r%prefix%'
    - ''
    - '&7Waiting for the game to'
    - '&7finish loading...'
    - '&bYou will get teleported soon!'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fSpeed runners: &a%runners%'
    - '&fHunters: &a%hunters%/%maxplayers%'
    - ''
    - '&fYour team: &r%prefix%'
    - ''
    - '&7Waiting for the host to'
    - '&7start the game.'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fSpeed runners: &a%runners%'
    - '&fHunters: &a%hunters%/%maxplayers%'
    - ''
    - '&fYour team: &r%prefix%'
    - ''
    - '&7Waiting for you to'
    - '&7start the game.'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fSpeed runners: &a%runners%'
    - '&fHunters: &a%hunters%/%maxplayers%'
    - ''
    - '&fYour team: &r%prefix%'
    - ''
    - '&7You will drop in &b%time%&7 seconds!'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fSpeed runners: &a%runners%'
    - '&fHunters: &a%hunters%/%maxplayers%'
    - ''
    - '&fYour team: &r%prefix%'
    - ''
    - '&7Speed runners will drop in &b%time%&7 seconds!'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fSpeed runners: &a%runners%'
    - '&fHunters: &a%hunters%/%maxplayers%'
    - ''
    - '&fYour team: &r%prefix%'
    - ''
    - '&7Speed runners have dropped!'
    - '&7You will drop in &b%time_formatted%&7!'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fSpeed runners: &a%runners%'
    - '&fHunters: &a%hunters%/%maxplayers%'
    - ''
    - '&fYour team: &r%prefix%'
    - ''
    - '&7You have been dropped!'
    - '&7Hunters will drop in &b%time_formatted%&7!'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fSpeed runners left: &a%alivehunters%'
    - '&fHunters left: &a%aliverunners%/%maxplayers%'
    - ''
    - '&fYour team: &r%prefix%'
    - ''
    - '&fLives left: &c❤ &f%lives%'
    - '&fKills: &a%kills%'
    - ''
    - '&fGame time: &a%time_formatted%'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&e&lDRAW!'
    - '&cNo one won this game!'
    - ''
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fKills: &a%kills%'
    - ''
    - '&7Teleporting to lobby in &b%time%&7 seconds!'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&d&l%winner%S WON THE GAME!'
    - '&aYou won!'
    - ''
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fKills: &a%kills%'
    - ''
    - '&7Teleporting to lobby in &b%time%&7 seconds!'
    - ''
    - '&'
    - '&d&l%winner%S WON THE GAME!'
    - '&cYou lost!'
    - ''
    - '&fHost: &a%host%'
    - ''
    - '&fKills: &a%kills%'
    - ''
    - '&7Teleporting to lobby in &b%time%&7 seconds!'
    - ''
    - '&'