
SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.20 Support! | New features! | 1.8.x - 1.21.x 5.6.33

The best and most popular SkyWars plugin on the market! Infinite options and everything is configurable.

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Tested Versions:
1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19
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Updater + New options & Commands + A lot of fixes! 5.4.0

Added a fun little updater to check for updates from MyGCNT.
Added a new config option to change the time display formats on scoreboards and other messages.
Added a new command to teleport players to the skywars lobby: /sw lobby
Added a new command to check if a chest is center/regular: /swm checkchest
Added default voting types to arenas (including default chests), configurable per arena.
Added a confirmation message to the /sw hologram command to let you know the hologram was created.
Added a new config option to allow the disabling of displaying the timer on the XP level bar: "game.displayTimerOnLevelbar".
Added configurable messages for the hologram creation and removing commands.
Added async to Bungeecord pings to decrease the threat weight.
Added a new option to the enderdragon event: "makeDragonInvulnerable" allowing dragons to be invulnerable.
Fixed breaking diamond block of spawn location not removing the spawn on solo games.
Fixed wrong inventory rollback when leaving a team game in waitstart.
Fixed enderdragons not being able to break blocks in matches.
Fixed teammates being able to damage each other when friendly fire was disabled.
Fixed the player count on leave messages being invisible.
Fixed UTF-8 characters not working in files.
Fixed commands sending wrong usage messages when the usage was right.
Fixed players getting kicked out of their game on Bungeecord servers.
Removed some junk classes, saving space.
Total Members

Plugin Information

Plugin: SkyWarsReloaded
Author: minifridge
Total Downloads: 138173
Last Update: October 7 at 10:30 am