
SkywarsReloaded UPDATED | Recoded | 1.20 Support! | New features! | 1.8.x - 1.21.x 5.6.33

The best and most popular SkyWars plugin on the market! Infinite options and everything is configurable.

Spigot Link:
Tested Versions:
1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19
Donation Link:
Terms of service:

Removed ELO, Recoded kit lores + A lot of fixes! 5.4.2

Removed ELO from the plugin. Make sure to remove occurrences of the elo placeholders from the messages.yml, holograms.yml, and other files.
Recoded kit lores! They are no longer in format of "line1, line2" but are now in a list: "lores.unlocked"! [IMPORTANT!]
Added a 'SkyWarsReloadEvent' event for developers, called when '/sw reload' is executed.
Added a glow effect (enchantment) to the voting menu to the currently selected vote of a player.
Fixed '/swm delete' throwing an error.
Fixed scoreboard placeholders for spectators not being replaced.
Fixed '/sw quit' not working for spectators.
Fixed not showing the right scoreboard when leaving a game.
Fixed taunts still working while spectating a game.
Fixed being able to teleport to other players using the spectator menu.
Fixed next event placeholders for scoreboards not displayed the right events and going negative.
Fixed /sw holoadd's succession message placeholders not being replaced.
Fixed {winners..} placeholders sometimes not being removed on scoreboard.
Fixed game bug which caused players that were riding an entity when they joined to bug in a game.
Total Members

Plugin Information

Plugin: SkyWarsReloaded
Author: minifridge
Total Downloads: 138160
Last Update: October 7 at 10:30 am